
Sunday 6 August 2017

Power and Strength

As you know I'm a regular badgerer of everyone I know to get them to listen to my stuff.

Thanks to all those of you who have actually done this by the way, you might be responsible for Google Play Music removing all my songs due to overplaying.
But I'm not here today to talk about my own music. Well, I am and I'm not.
Right, let me explain.
After I started to write and record silly songs about pooing and wanking I thought I should maybe do some serious stuff too. I'm not much of a serious songwriter and any sensible lyrics I've ever attempted to pen have been terrible – not that the other stuff isn't, but you know what I mean.
The only avenue left in that case was to do something instrumental. But that would require being an actual musician. Was I up to the task and would the ukulele be versatile enough for this kind of thing?
Of course I was and of course it was. So I did it.
I wrote four songs that I thought might have been inspired by Norwegian hardcore and metal. I'm not sure if they sound like that's where they came from, but the end result was certainly different to anything else I'd ever done.
As my friend Ted likes to tell everyone I'm Norwegian I decided I'd give the side project a Norwegian name, Makt & Styrke.
The debut EP was called Deafening Susurrations and was listened to by next to nobody, probably because I gave it such a pretentious title. Maybe I should just stick to the bodily functions songs? I thought.
So I went back to that.
And then I decided to record another four songs for a new Makt & Styrke EP because you can never have enough irons in enough fires, right?
The new EP was officially released at the weekend and I gave it the name Grønt which means 'green' in foreign. Yes, I'm so far up my own arse it's unbelievable.
However if you are a fan of proggy-sounding punky metal – I still have no actual idea how to categorise it – then you might want to check it out.
All the usual streaming sites have it available and it's downloadable from Amazon if you want to pay 99p a song for it.

Stream Makt & Styrke on Google Play Music, Spotify, Deezer or Tidal or if you want to download either EP use the links at the bottom of this post.


Stay tuned, uke hunters.

You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

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